Created 5-Jul-11

Red kite - milvus milvus

Visitors 406
0 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19

Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nicus

Visitors 122
27 photos
Created 13-May-18
Modified 13-May-18
Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nicus

Buzzard - Buteo buteo

Visitors 240
0 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19

Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus

Visitors 76
0 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19

Peregrine - Falco peregrinus

Visitors 255
0 photos
Created 22-Aug-16
Modified 22-Aug-16

Bald eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Visitors 37
0 photos
Created 19-Sep-14
Modified 19-Sep-14

Great grey owl - Strix nebulosa

Visitors 31
2 photos
Created 12-Sep-15
Modified 12-Sep-15
Great grey owl - Strix nebulosa

Long-eared owl - Asio otus

Visitors 12
2 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19
Long-eared owl - Asio otus

Little owl - Athene noctua

Visitors 25
0 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19

Barn owl - Tyto alba

Visitors 89
30 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19
Barn owl - Tyto alba

Egyptian vulture - Neophron percnopterus

Visitors 8
5 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19
Egyptian vulture - Neophron percnopterus

Harris hawk - Parabuteo unicinctus

Visitors 32
2 photos
Created 22-Apr-15
Modified 22-Apr-15
Harris hawk - Parabuteo unicinctus

Merlin - Falco columbarius

Visitors 16
0 photos
Created 24-Apr-15
Modified 24-Apr-15

Snowy owl - Bubo scandiacus

Visitors 36
7 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19
Snowy owl - Bubo scandiacus

Verreaux's eagle owl - Bubo lacteus

Visitors 20
2 photos
Created 19-Sep-14
Modified 19-Sep-14
Verreaux's eagle owl - Bubo lacteus

Lanner falcon - Falco biarmicus

Visitors 21
7 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19
Lanner falcon - Falco biarmicus

Unknown Eagle

Visitors 20
0 photos
Created 22-Apr-15
Modified 22-Apr-15

Hobby - Falco subbuteo

Visitors 21
1 photos
Created 28-Jun-15
Modified 28-Jun-15
Hobby - Falco subbuteo

Burrowing owl - Athene cinicularia

Visitors 15
0 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19

Great horned owl - Bubo virginianus

Visitors 48
13 photos
Created 15-Aug-17
Modified 15-Aug-17
Great horned owl - Bubo virginianus

Saker falcon - Falco cherrug

Visitors 33
0 photos
Created 6-Oct-15
Modified 6-Oct-15

Ashy faced owl - Tyto glaucops

Visitors 11
0 photos
Created 7-Aug-17
Modified 7-Aug-17

African wood owl - Strix woodfordi

Visitors 11
1 photos
Created 22-Sep-15
Modified 22-Sep-15
African wood owl - Strix woodfordi

Tawny owl - Strix aluco

Visitors 17
3 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19
Tawny owl - Strix aluco

Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis

Visitors 5
1 photos
Created 25-Apr-16
Modified 25-Apr-16
Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis

Aplomado falcon - Falco femoralis

Visitors 6
1 photos
Created 3-May-16
Modified 3-May-16
Aplomado falcon - Falco femoralis

Hooded vulture - Necrosyrtes monachus

Visitors 7
1 photos
Created 3-May-16
Modified 3-May-16
Hooded vulture - Necrosyrtes monachus

Gyr x saker - Falco rusticolus x cherrug

Visitors 2
1 photos
Created 21-Aug-16
Modified 21-Aug-16
Gyr x saker - Falco rusticolus x cherrug

African spotted Eagle Owl - Bubo africanus

Visitors 2
0 photos
Created 28-Aug-16
Modified 28-Aug-16

White tailed eagle - Haliaeetus albicilla

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 11-Jun-19
Modified 11-Jun-19

Black shouldered kite - Elanus axillaris

Visitors 0
3 photos
Created 16-Jan-18
Modified 16-Jan-18
Black shouldered kite - Elanus axillaris

African Fish Eagle - Haliaeetus vocifer (juvenile)

Visitors 0
1 photos
Created 8-Aug-17
Modified 8-Aug-17
African Fish Eagle - Haliaeetus vocifer (juvenile)

African Pygmy falcon - Poliherax semitorquatus

Visitors 0
1 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19
African Pygmy falcon - Poliherax semitorquatus

Grey Buzzard-Eagle - Geranoaetus melanoleucus also known as the Chilean Buzzard

Visitors 0
2 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19
Grey  Buzzard-Eagle - Geranoaetus melanoleucus also known as the Chilean  Buzzard

Indian tawny eagle - Aquila rapa

Visitors 0
2 photos
Created 10-Jun-19
Modified 10-Jun-19
Indian tawny eagle - Aquila rapa

Golden eagle - Aquila Chrysaetos

Visitors 0
1 photos
Created 12-Jun-19
Modified 12-Jun-19
Golden eagle - Aquila Chrysaetos